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Leads Tracker

mohitparmar1's github profile

its a tracker that track our important tabs


dhruvishavaghani's github profile

NewsZilla is a live news website with all categories of news.

Razorpay Clone

ujjawaltyagii's github profile

Created Razorpay Clone which is the only payments solution in India that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.


mswat5's github profile

Hello! This Project is related to scrapping news from online articles

Encipher | Decipher

siddarthdayala's github profile

A simple encryption/decryption website which allows users to encrypt/decrypt messages using three different cryptographic ciphers along with a key

Portfolio site

vaibhav-xt's github profile

A portfolio project showcases an individual's or a professional's work, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and visually appealing manner to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential opportunities.

Countdown Timer

smty2018's github profile

Customisable Countdown Timer with real time updates

Wave: Discord Bot

HartzFrequency's github profile

Wave is a Discord bot which is made using Python to resolve the problem which is an external software requirement for recording voice chats of DIscord channels, this discord bot aims enabling you to record the conversations and can provide you the recording of chat

News API

kunalkashyap-1's github profile

This a news API/Rss feed parser which scrapes news from websites and provides them in simple json format for the ease of developers. Read the docs and use the console page to live test the API.


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Developed a Crypto tracking web application, that provides over 2000+ crypto coin details with a graphical representation of each crypto coin trend history over the last year, month, or day and can view pricing in various currencies.